Research and Results Measurement

The Southern Africa region remains the primary recipient of Official Development Assistance, with countries south of the Sahara receiving on average over $25 billion between 2015-2016. The World’s fast-changing political and economic environment has ushered in an increased need for accountability across the board. Donor countries are under renewed pressure to report on each ODA investment, and this in turn call recipient governments and implementing agencies to account for each development-related expenditure. Managing and measuring results remains the best strategy to focus on performance and achievement of outputs, outcomes and impacts, thus creating clear, common and quantifiable objectives all parties be accountable to.

Through our work in Research & Results Measurement (RRM), ELIM employs internationally recognised methods for monitoring and evaluating the results of development. For over six years, we have built a reputation for rigorously measuring the effectiveness, relevance and impact of donor interventions in Mozambique. We have built a robust network of local enumerators across all 11 Mozambican provinces, all meticulously trained in qualitative and quantitative data collection methods. Through continuous integration of innovative approaches in our work, we make use of electronic data collection tools, and internationally recognised data management systems.

Nutrition 4

Nutrition & Food Security

Nutrition 3








300+ Field Staff 200+ Expert Consultants

Experience in all Mozambican Provinces

Experts in Longitudinal Surveys

CAPI Data Collection